Getting you colours done is fascinating, you’ll be amazed to see how different colour drapes completely change your complexion. Your right colours can even out your complexion, make you look more radiant, draw attention to your features and give a general look of wellbeing whilst the wrong colour can exaggerate uneven skin tone, make you look tired, pale, drained yellow and dare I say it, old!
Colours have such an impact on your look, that as a Personal Stylist, I simply don’t like personal shopping with my clients unless we’ve done their colours first, believe me, it’s that powerful. Getting your colours done by one of my Style ME Stylists will definitely make you look amazing and feel more confident.
By draping specially selected drapes onto you, you and your colour analyst, through the process of elimination will jointly decide on your most flattering palette. Be sure to ask as many questions as you go along. Here are the 3 most popular question we get asked:
- Can I wear black? This is probably the one question you might not want to know the answer to especially if you live in black! Your Colour Analyst will show exactly what black does to your complexion, whether it enhances or ages you. Don’t worry there’s always a more flattering option patiently waiting to be discovered by you.
- Can I go blond? The answer to this is always yes, every one of us can, but the vital thing you want to find out is what kind of blond: ash, golden, strawberry, platinum? They’ll be no more trial and error, after the session you can go to your hairdresser and know exactly what shade to ask for.
- Do I suit red lipstick? Absolutely, you do but it is essential to get wear the right shade. Your colour analyst will not only tell you if you need a pinkish red, matt red, muted red, deep red or orangey red but will apply the right shade on to you, so you’ll leave full of confidence!
Book a colour analysis session now.
Nisha x