Happy New Year everyone! Wow it only seems like yesterday when I was writing a similar blog at the beginning of 2017. So how was 2017 for you? For me on reflection if 2016 was the year I got rid of the excess baggage, 2017 was the year that I got used to having more space (in every area of my life) so now we’ve reached 2018 I honestly feel I’m ready to invite in new and exciting chapters into my life.
January for me as for so many Personal Shoppers is generally a quieter period, a time when I usually travel and take advantage of being self-employed. With all the sales in their full glory, hitting the shops to rummage through rails of discounted stock is my idea of hell, I much rather return in time for the arrival of the new collections. This year however I made the decision to stay put and my diary is already packed with customers either wanting to redeem their Christmas gift vouchers or book in a Personal styling session.
As you can imagine our most popular service at this time of the year is Wardrobe Styling and it makes total sense why… If December is the month of excess then January is the month to detox, not only our bodies but also the home of our clothes: our wardrobes! Despite having a few days off over the Christmas period I don’t think anybody used it as a time to de-clutter instead more clothes probably entered an already packed wardrobe, so by the first week of January, the 2nd January to be precise when we had to go back to work feeling frustrated because we couldn’t’ find anything we wanted to wear it’s no wonder this has been the week my phone has rung the most by people wanting to book in a Wardrobe Styling session.
Wardrobe Styling is with doubt the crucial step to creating a new you! Only once you’ve cleared the space with the help of a Personal Stylist will you be ready to buy new clothes when the new season range hits the stores. Your Style ME Stylist will tell you exactly what suits your current body shape and lifestyle and will advice on what you should keep hold of and what’s passed it’s sell by date! Not only will the dream of owning a Capsule Wardrobe be in closer reach but your stylist will leave you with key rules on how to create yourself a balanced slimmer silhouette with your existing clothes. Post Christmas after all that over-indulging there’s no better time to lap up this knowledge…it will make all the difference from having a sluggish January to having that spring in your step!
Please contact enquiries@stylemeuk.com to take advantage of a 10% discount on wardrobe styling for the month of January!